Oh. My. Word. I hate to boast...but I LOVE THIS CARD!!! I never would have created it if it weren't for Jen DelMuro's sketch at "I {Heart} to Stamp" http://iheart2stamp.com/2009/12/05/bella-birthday-blog-hop-first-saturday-of-the-month/ , and the Our Creative Corner blog for the idea of a card based on the song "Twelve Days of Christmas" http://ourcreativecorner6.blogspot.com/2009/12/occ-challenge-12-days-of-christmas.html . So thanks y'all! You ROCK!
So...my card is "Eleven Pipers Piping"...count 'em....there's eleven there!!! LOVE IT!
SU! Basic Grey CS and Classic Ink, Stamp from unknown source, Stamp-a-ma-jig, Color Box Silver Ink, Stampendous Silver Tinsel EP, Embossing Heat Tool, Silver Gel Pen, Gems and 2 Ribbons from Michaels.
Love your pipers - great job getting all 11 on the card - LOL! And you did a terrific job with that sketch. So happy you were able to play along with us at the OCC this week!